Company name
Seller/Vendor ID
Email address
Phone number
A list of ASINs you are applying to sell
Clear image of model number displaying on the product
If you are a reseller of these products, a letter from themanufacturer demonstrating that you are an authorised reseller
Documentation from an accredited testing laboratory ororganisation is required to confirm the product was tested andfound to comply with the applicable standards listed in thefollowing table:
Laptop Battery IEC 62133 Secondarycells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acidelectrolytes – Safety requirements for portable sealed secondarycells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portableapplications or UL 2054 Standard for household and commercialbatteries
Laptop Charger and Power Adapter AS/NZS 60950.1:2015,Information technology equipment - Safety - Generalrequirements
Mobile Phone Chargers AS/NZS 60950.1:2015,Information technology equipment - Safety - Generalrequirements
Mobile Phone Battery IEC 62133 Secondary cells and batteriescontaining alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safetyrequirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteriesmade from them, for use in portable applications or UL 2054Standard for household and commercial batteries
Mobile Car charger AS/NZS 60950.1:2015,Information technology equipment - Safety - Generalrequirements
Projectile Toys The Projectile Toy shall comply with thefollowing:
AS/NZS ISO 8124.1:2002 Safety of toys - Safety aspects relatedto mechanical and physical properties (including CPN amendments #16of 2010) AND (if applicable)
AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2003 - Safety of toys – Migration of certainelements (including CPN amendments #1 of 2009)
Luminaires, Lighting Chains, String Lights, 3D Shapes - GeneralRequirements and Tests AS/NZS 60598.#
IF STRING HAS CONTROLLER: Lamp controller, D.C. or A.C. Controlgear for LED modules used with Luminaires (if string has acontroller) AS/NZS 61347.#
Power Banks
AS/NZS 60950.1:2011 +A1-A3, Information technology equipment ORIEC 60950-1:2005+AMD1:2009+AM2:2013 Information technologyequipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements OR UL 2056